Madoff: The Wilpons “knew nothing”

Bernie Madoff on the Wilpons knowledge of his ponzi scheme

In an e-mail interview with the New York Times, Bernie Madoff told the Times that Fred Wilpon and his partner Saul Katz “knew nothing” about his record ponzi scheme which landed him a 150-year prison sentence. 

Wilpon and Katz are under investigation about their knowledge of the corruption and are being sued for up to one billion dollars in illegal profits from the scam.  Both Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz have been adament in stating that they had zero involvement in the scam. 

If the lawsuit costs the Wilpons one billion, or a lesser but still great amount of money, they may need to sell 100% of the team.  Both Jeff and Fred Wilpon have stated that they will not sell controlling interest in the Mets.

Even though Madoff says they are innocent, I still want to see the team sold.  Sure, I hope everything works out for the Wilpons, but I don’t think they are the best owners in the game. 

I also don’t know whether Madoff is 100% true in saying this.  For one, he could be telling the truth because he will die in prison and doesn’t have any reason to lie.  But, he could also be protecting his close friends. 

— Put it in the Books!

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